Last 2 days
Fahry dah buat aksi ngeri
Muntah mcm paip kat kedai makan
Naseb baik kedai tue orgnye suam2 kuku je xramai
Agak panik juge
Aku pon dh setel makan
Conclusionnye fahry byk sgt makan
Seblom balik dia dh mkn nasik kat umah pengasuh
Balik makan plak roti
Pastue biskut belanda tue
Makan nasik goreng
Minum air byk plak tue
Huh! Terus la muntah..
en.suami plak xleh bau muntah cenggitu
Xleh bau muntah nie penyakit keturunan
Aku boleh tahan lg, dah anak aku yg muntah xkan org lain yg nk cuci
I just find myself happy with the simple things. Appreciating the blessings ALLAH gave me..
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Dlm dilema nk merelakan..
Since fahry dihantar ke rumah pengasuh
Dia dh diberi nama gelaran baru, which is luckily nama nya bermaksud baik bukan la yg bukan2
Memule tak obvious sgt impak nama tue kat fahry
Me n myasben mmg panggil dia fahry/muhammad fahry
Dia pon bahasakan dia fahry jugak
Tp lately dia lebih bahasakan diri dia SALLEH
Erm..aku nk relakan aje ke mcm mana ntah
Nama tue pon ada maksud baik
Dia dh diberi nama gelaran baru, which is luckily nama nya bermaksud baik bukan la yg bukan2
Memule tak obvious sgt impak nama tue kat fahry
Me n myasben mmg panggil dia fahry/muhammad fahry
Dia pon bahasakan dia fahry jugak
Tp lately dia lebih bahasakan diri dia SALLEH
Erm..aku nk relakan aje ke mcm mana ntah
Nama tue pon ada maksud baik
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Kursus penang
Now ada course kat naza talyya penang
2nd time stay kat sini
Biase2 ja otel nie, sesuei la dgn rate otel
Biase la kursus byk kali mkn
Aku paling suka time bfast je..hehe
Dh 2 malam kat sini byk gak planning
As usual carik DVD kat bt.feringhi
Mlm td dh dpt dvd yg aku ndak
Cume NCIS je xdpt..ku lupe selak tmpt lain kot. Tgkle nti klu partner in crime nk g lg x sbb smlm kan lom gji, xbrani nak lebih2
Abis course smlm trus laju2 g chowrasta nk beli jeruk
Ingtkn jauh sgt, rupenye dekat je ek
Kat chowrasta pon 'hidup' jgk
Ade kedai jual buku 2nd hand
Sgt la mgunung buku2 dia
Novel ada, buku teks matematik asas kat utm dulu pon aku nmpk
Aku beli novel dgn buku 'mushka mushka mickey mouse!'
Last saturday aku xsengaja janji kat fahry nk belikan menan chuggington utk dia
Dh kuar tp xbeli n haruslah mamat tue menuntut sbb aku jarang bg janji manis
G kat tesco skali kau harga chuggington mmg out of range
Aku bli menda lain dulu, tp kat rumah dia still ingat psl chuggington tue
Kebetulan smlm aku jumpak kedai borong menan kat bwh chowrasta
Harga pon dlm kemampuan
Dpt la chuggington tue
sebenarnye mak bapak dia yg nak main...hehe
*bersiaran dari bilik astana 1*
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
2nd time stay kat sini
Biase2 ja otel nie, sesuei la dgn rate otel
Biase la kursus byk kali mkn
Aku paling suka time bfast je..hehe
Dh 2 malam kat sini byk gak planning
As usual carik DVD kat bt.feringhi
Mlm td dh dpt dvd yg aku ndak
Cume NCIS je xdpt..ku lupe selak tmpt lain kot. Tgkle nti klu partner in crime nk g lg x sbb smlm kan lom gji, xbrani nak lebih2
Abis course smlm trus laju2 g chowrasta nk beli jeruk
Ingtkn jauh sgt, rupenye dekat je ek
Kat chowrasta pon 'hidup' jgk
Ade kedai jual buku 2nd hand
Sgt la mgunung buku2 dia
Novel ada, buku teks matematik asas kat utm dulu pon aku nmpk
Aku beli novel dgn buku 'mushka mushka mickey mouse!'
Last saturday aku xsengaja janji kat fahry nk belikan menan chuggington utk dia
Dh kuar tp xbeli n haruslah mamat tue menuntut sbb aku jarang bg janji manis
G kat tesco skali kau harga chuggington mmg out of range
Aku bli menda lain dulu, tp kat rumah dia still ingat psl chuggington tue
Kebetulan smlm aku jumpak kedai borong menan kat bwh chowrasta
Harga pon dlm kemampuan
Dpt la chuggington tue
sebenarnye mak bapak dia yg nak main...hehe
*bersiaran dari bilik astana 1*
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Monday, February 20, 2012
5 Things in Your Kitchen that Could Make You Sick
Every year, 76 million Americans get sick from food, according to the
Centers for Disease Control. Nothing you can do will ever guarantee 100
percent protection against foodborne illness, but taking certain
precautions can help reduce your risk. Some of these protective steps
are common sense, like washing your hands before you eat. Others aren't
so obvious. Read on to discover five surprising sources of foodborne
"bugs" in your kitchen, we've written about in EatingWell Magazine, and how to protect yourself.
Related: 10 Rules for a Healthy Kitchen
Kitchen threat #1: Your kitchen sponge. When
participants in a study from NSF International (an independent public
health organization) swabbed various items in their houses, the kitchen
sponge was by far the germiest. In fact, it harbored 150 times more
bacteria, mold and yeast than a toothbrush holder. "You pick up bacteria
when cleaning, but because you rarely disinfect that sponge between
uses, germs multiply," says Rob Donofrio, M.S., Ph.D., NSF's director of
microbiology. While the majority of germs they found won't make you
sick some, such as Salmonella and E. coli, can cause serious illness.
The best way to de-germ your sponge: microwave a wet sponge for two
minutes daily and replace it every two weeks.
Must-Read: 7 More Unexpected Uses for Your Microwave
Kitchen threat #2: Your fridge. Cold temperatures slow
the growth of bacteria, so it's important to make sure that your
refrigerator doesn't rise above 40°F. Reduce your risk of foodborne
illness by keeping tabs on your fridge temp with a thermometer. You can
buy a "refrigerator/freezer thermometer" at appliance stores, home
centers (e.g., Home Depot) and online kitchen stores.
Kitchen threat #3: Cutting boards. Bacteria from
uncooked meat, poultry and fish can contaminate cooked foods and fresh
produce. An important way to reduce this risk is to use separate cutting
boards for raw meat/poultry/fish and produce/cooked foods.
Related: 9 Products for a Healthier Kitchen
Kitchen threat #4: Uncooked eggs. If you enjoy eating
eggs with runny yolks or snitching a bit of raw batter when you're
making cookies, you're not alone. But the USDA recommends avoiding raw
or undercooked eggs (especially for young children and the elderly)
because of the possibility of foodborne illness, like Salmonella. If you
can't keep your hands (or your kids' hands) out of the cookie batter or
you're working with a recipe that calls for raw or undercooked eggs,
consider pasteurized-in-the-shell eggs. They're no different than
regular eggs except they've been heat-treated to kill any harmful
bacteria-making them safe to consume raw or partially cooked. Look for
them in large supermarkets near other in-the-carton eggs.
Don't Miss: 5 Common Foodborne Bacteria You Want to Avoid
Kitchen threat #5: Recalled items. You should discard
any food that's been recalled because it's associated with the outbreak
of a foodborne illness. But according to a survey conducted by Rutgers
University, only about 60 percent of Americans search their homes for
foods that have been recalled because of contamination. Whenever there's
a food recall, check products stored at home to make sure they are
safe. For more information on food recalls, visit
What do you do to keep your kitchen and your food safe?
Sunday, February 19, 2012
bila dh terjebak dgn smartphone
bila dh terjebak dgn smartphone
mcm dh xboleh larik kan
BB aku now carik psl aje
smpi fedup aku
asyik kene restart pastue error
tgh berkire2 nk beli smartphone baru yg xmhl
samsung kan tgh in
tp mhl la pulok
stay dgn BB je lah
yg less 1k ade ke ek?
akhirnyee selesa dgn curve 9360
tak pyh beria yg mhl2
yg ini aku puas hati
dpt rasa dlm jiwa & raga
akhirnyee selesa dgn curve 9360
tak pyh beria yg mhl2
yg ini aku puas hati
dpt rasa dlm jiwa & raga
Monday, February 13, 2012
sudah mid-februari
tau2 je dah masuk mid februari
bulan nie byk betol aku punye perancangan
sama ada personal & work
bulan nie ada 1 projek nak serah dan 1 projek nk tutup akaun
harap2 bole la capai KPI tahun nie utk work
kerja mcm mana pon tetap kerja
walaupon personal aku byk tganggu
maksud personal tue bukan lah mslh besor
biasela manusia kan mmg selalu diuji dgn masalah
*eh..berkesanlah cuti seminggu, klu x aku msti bebel2 psl problem je kan*
bole la cuti selalu gini
actually aku ingatkan lepas aku cuti nie kene pg kursus kat penang
tp rupenye tunda next week
alamak! terclash plak dgn event nak pegi KKB
aku dh tmimpi2 mau pg KKB tue
guane xdpt pegi ek
myb boleh jugak tp penat lah nk berkejor balik dr penang pg KKB pulak
InsyAllah bulan nie dpt boypren baru
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
rehat cukop cukop
hanya duduk di rumah saje2
aku amek cuti straight 1minggu
isnin dopan la baru kojer
letih la
projek ade yg dh siap but still xleh nk rehat kejap
1 dh siap
ade lg 1 baru start
ada 4 pojek
2 dh siap n nk tutup akaun
yg 1 dh nk siap tp punye la pyh nk satisfied klien
kene layan seadanya la apa klien ndak
yg lg 1 baru strt n boss aku mcm concern terlebih
dpt plak kontraktor cm bagus tp hampeh!
so cuti nie dgn harapan dpt refresh otak aku balik
susun balik mane yg kene bg priority mane tak
skang nie serabut gile smpi xtau mane kene buat dulu mane tidak
bile dh strt serabut, makin rajin la aku buat hikmat 'ular'
sila jgn tiru ok
ms cuti nie la bole setel [roblem
now aku ada 1 problem yg major
harap2 sume nye boleh berjalan dgn lancar
doa2 la sume ok
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